Actions for implementation 2014-2015
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Priority 1: Increase the educational achievement of disabled children and adults.
a) Build capability for inclusive education to improve delivery in the CRPD context.
Lead: Ministry of Education.
Status: Existing action, which is the Ministry of Education’s Success for All programme.
Priority 2: Increase the number of disabled people who transition from school and from tertiary education into employment.
a) Improve transitions
Lead: Ministry of Education.
Status update: New action. Deferred until 2015. Further details to be confirmed in 2015.
Priority 3: Increase the number of disabled people, including long-term unemployed disabled people, in paid employment and self-employment on an equal
a) Implement a long term work programme to improve employment outcomes for disabled people including the development of guidelines on reasonable accommodation.
Lead: Ministry of Social Development.
Status update: Existing action, which is the Ministry of Social Development’s Health and Disability Long-term Work Programme.
b) Develop better alternatives to replace the minimum wage exemption, looking at existing and new schemes.
Lead: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
Status update: New action, scope approved on 21 November 2014.
Priority 4: Increase the number of employers who are confident in employing disabled people, with the public sector taking a lead.
a) Government to take a lead in employing disabled people and providing paid internships
Lead: Office for Disability Issues/Ministry of Social Development.
Status update: New action. Scope approved on 4 September 2015.
Priority 5: Reduce barriers to disabled people making decisions to determine their own lives.
a) Ensure disabled people can exercise their legal capacity, including through recognition of supported decision making.
Lead: Office for Disability Issues.
Status update: New action, scope approved on 21 November 2014.
b) Investigate funding of DPO partnered programmes that support disabled people to speak up for themselves and ensure this is linked with victims of crime work.
Lead: Office for Disability Issues.
Status update: New action. Deferred until 2015. Further details to be confirmed in 2015.
c) Increase safeguards for disabled people who are socially isolated and develop initiatives to remove what is socially isolating them.
Lead: Disabled People's Organisations.
Status update: New action. Deferred until 2015. Further details to be confirmed in 2015.
d) Review the current care and support processes for disabled children who are (or are likely to be) subject to care under the Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989 to establish whether they are being treated equitably and fairly, and in their best interests, and if not, to provide advice on changes needed to legislation, operational policy, operational delivery and/or monitoring and enforcement.
Lead: Ministry of Social Development.
Status update: Existing action.
Late 2014: Public Consultation Plan and Consultation Document drafted and submitted for Ministers’ approval.
Early 2015: Carry out wider public / stakeholder consultation, and use this information to develop options for change.
Mid-2015: Consider options for change.
Deferred until 2015/2016: e) Complete a stocktake of key reports, recommendations and findings on preventing violence, abuse and neglect, including the cultural context for disabled Maori and Pasifika.
Lead: Disabled People's Organisations.
Status update: Deferred, scope to be developed in 2015/2016.
Priority 7: Increase the responsiveness to disabled people of civil defence and emergency management around New Zealand.
a) Promote implementation by local civil defence and emergency management sector of the guidelines for inclusive practice including learnings from experiences of disabled people in the Canterbury earthquakes.
Lead: Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Managment.
Status update: Existing action.
December 2014: stocktake of local civil defence and emergency management sector implementation of guidelines underway.
Priority 8: Promote disabled people having choice and control over their supports/services, and make more efficient use of disability support funding.
a) Evaluate learning from the Enabling Good Lives Christchurch demonstration in 2014/15, and consider in 2015/16 improved assessment processes which are culturally responsive, strength based, holistic, involve whanau (whanau ora principles), and are integrated (for example in Enabling Good Lives)
Lead: Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health.
Status update: Existing action, which is the Enabling Good Lives demonstration in Christchurch. Further details to be confirmed in 2015.
b) Enabling Good Lives demonstration in Christchurch with the involvement of DPOs
Lead: Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health.
Status update: Late 2014: Progress report to Cabinet in (in conjunction with Waikato design).
June 2016: Demonstration completes.
Late 2016: Advice to Cabinet on future transformation of the wider disability support system. Existing action, which is the Enabling Good Lives demonstration in Christchurch.
Deferred until 2015/2016: c) A good start in life: Develop policy options to improve government supports for parents, family and whanau of disabled children aged 0-6 years.
Lead: Ministry of Education.
Status update: Deferred, scope to be developed in 2015/2016.
Priority 9: Promote the involvement of Disabled People’s Organisations in the design and monitoring of the disability support system transformation.
a) DPOs and government working together - joint work programme on involving DPOs in decisions that affect disabled people agreed by the Chief Executives’ Group on Disability Issues and Independent Monitors on 21 August 2013.
Lead: Office for Disability Issues.
Status update: New action, scope agreed on 21 November 2014.
Priority 10: Increase the capability of disability support service providers to be of service to disabled people.
a) Develop and implement effective ways for disabled people and DPOs to provide feedback (both qualitative and quantitative) safely about the quality of services and support and to monitor, evaluate, and scrutinise and make providers accountable to funders for achieving outcomes.
Lead: Ministry of Health.
Status update: New action, with scope approved on 4 September 2015.
Deferred until 2015/2016: b) Ensure providers are responsive to disabled people and provide choice and tailoring of services. Explore how provider performance should be assessed, including through accreditation, provider performance measurement, and contract monitoring systems.
Lead: Ministry of Health.
Status update: Deferred, scope to be developed in 2015/2016.
Deferred until 2015/2016: c) Explore how the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992 relates to the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the CRPD.
Lead: Ministry of Health.
Status update: Deferred, scope to be developed in 2015/2016.
Priority 11: Increase government services’ responsiveness to disabled people.
a) Increase accessibility of information across government agencies.
Lead: Office for Disability Issues.
Status update: New action, scope approved on 21 November 2014.
b) Understand the journey through the justice sector for disabled adults, disabled children and their families through the development of a National Data Standard for Disability.
Lead: Ministry of Justice.
Status update: Existing action. Further details to be confirmed in 2015.
c) Increase access to health services and improve health outcomes for disabled people with a specific focus on people with learning/intellectual disabilities.
Lead: Ministry of Health.
Status update: Existing action. Further details to be confirmed in 2015.
Priority 12: Increase the accessibility for disabled people of the built environment and transport services.
a) Understand the issues with accessibility for disabled people of transport services, by completing a stocktake using the Human Rights Commission’s Accessible Journey report recommendations as a framework, and then in 2015/2016 determine options to improve the accessibility of transport services.
Lead: Ministry of Transport and the New Zealand Transport Agency.
Status update: New action, scope approved on 21 November 2014.
b) Review of the building accessibility regulatory system.
Lead: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, and Office for Disability Issues.
Status update: Existing action. Further details to be confirmed in 2015.
Late 2014: begin scoping inform development of a long-term plan.
Early 2015: options to joint Ministers on long-term plan.
Priority 13: Promote disabled people participating in political and civic processes.
a) DPOs to complete a stocktake of what are the areas needing the most attention and which will make the biggest difference to promote disabled people participating in political and civic processes. ODI will convene a discussion with DPOs and relevant government agencies to discuss priorities from the DPOs stocktake and identify possible actions.
Lead: Disabled People's Organisations.
Status update: New action. Scope approved on 4 September 2015.
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