Delivering the Strategy

Under the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, the Minister for Disability Issues is required to have a NZ Disability Strategy. The Government recognises that a lot of work is required to remove the barriers to participation faced by disabled people and create a fully inclusive society. As part of the NZ Disability Strategy, 15 Objectives and detailed Actions to achieve this have been developed.

Government departments are expected to develop annual NZ Disability Strategy implementation work plans that spell out what work they are doing to implement the NZ Disability Strategy. Key departments will develop their initial implementation work plans for the period 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002. This annual planning process will then be rolled out to other departments in 2002/03.

Government initiatives that will benefit disabled people, such as the New Zealand Positive Ageing Strategy, the New Zealand Health Strategy, the Māori Health Strategy and the Pacific Health and Disability Action Plan, will complement the NZ Disability Strategy.

The decisions that territorial authorities and non-departmental public bodies make also have a significant impact on the lives of disabled people. It is important that territorial authorities and other public bodies support and assist with implementing the NZ Disability Strategy, and ways of making this happen need to be considered in discussion with them.

The Minister for Disability Issues will report to Parliament annually on progress in implementing the NZDS and full reviews of progress will be conducted after five and ten years.

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