Outcome 8: Leadership

Goal: we have great opportunities to demonstrate our leadership.

This outcome has one work programme:

Nominations Database of disabled people for Government Boards / Advisory Groups

Overall status: On track – with minimal risks/issues

Progress against Plan for the period

Actions that were planned for 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020

Actions completed in the period

Note any impacts from COVID-19


Maintain the database and update to ensure the information is current.

Ongoing - Not intended for completion in this period.

Few registrations have been received during the COVID-19 pandemic. This might be an impact of COVID-19 or not.

On track or ahead

Promote the database to government agencies who manage appointments to Government Boards / Advisory Groups.

Ongoing - Not intended for completion in this period.


On track with minimal risks/issues

Review the effectiveness of the current nominations database and consider options for alternative long-term sustainable database solutions.

Completed - Survey Monkey registration followed by manual excel spreadsheet was always intended as an initial temporary option.

Build of ODI database deferred until late 2020. This is not due to COVID-19, this is due to timing of a scheduled upgrade of the software that will incorporate more accessibility features.

On track or ahead

Review the effectiveness of how disabled people and appointing agencies engage with ODI around the nominations process - do our processes maximise the opportunities for disabled people to be nominated for Government Boards / Advisory Groups?

Ongoing - Not intended for completion in this period.
Development of the new database should help support progress on this action.


On track with minimal risks/issues

Provide information to appointing government agencies about obligations under the United Nations Convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities to provide disabled people with reasonable accommodations to enable their full and effective participation on government appointed Boards / Advisory Groups.

Ongoing - Not intended for completion in this period.

COVID-19 impacted on planned face-to-face workshops resulting in some delays while Zoom alternatives were arranged.

On track or ahead

Scope options to develop governance capability of database members and disabled people wanting to sign up to the database.

Ongoing - Not intended for completion in this period.

Workstream workshop was delayed due to COVID-19.
Planned workshop with agencies, relevant governance & training organisations and stakeholders now on 17 September 2020.

On track with minimal risks/issues

Narrative – Any celebrations? What is going well?  What is being learned? Any impacts?

  • The ODI Nominations Database has been promoted to some nominating and appointing agencies through attendance at cross agency working group meetings instigated by Ministry for Women and SSC (Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission).
  • There is currently no mechanism to track and report on individuals from the nominations database successfully appointed to Government Boards or Advisory Groups as a result of being registered on the database. This is an issue for all nominating agencies, it is not specific to the ODI Nominations Database.
  • The current excel spreadsheet system was always intended as a temporary tool. A decision has been taken to build a database tool based on Ministry for Women (MfW) database (Te Puni Kokiri is also updating their manual system to the MfW database).
  • Information sharing on UNCRPD obligations and reasonable accommodations was done informally through attendance at cross agency working group meetings with nominating and appointing agencies.
  • ODI will continue to collaborate with those updating guidance on precision of Reasonable Accommodations (MSD and the Office of the Ombudsman on behalf of the independent Monitoring Mechanism) and share information and resources across appointing agencies.

Note any impacts on inequities, particularly among disabled Māori, Pacific Peoples, women & children

Currently there are 127 individual disabled people registered with the ODI Nominations Database These people are made up of:

60 (47%) disabled Women
67 (53%) disabled Men

Ethnicity (note that individuals can identify with more than one ethnic group):
13 (10%) Maori disabled
5 (4%) Pasifika disabled
9 (7%) disabled people identify with other ethnic groups(that are not NZ European, New Zealander or Kiwi)

3 (2%) disabled youth aged 25 years or younger. 9 (7%) in total are aged 30 years or younger.
15 (12%) disabled seniors turning 65 this year or older
3 disabled people chose not to disclose their age

An additional 9 individuals who identify as Carers or whanau of disabled people are also registered with the ODI Nominations Database.

A further 81 individuals have submitted incomplete surveys so are not registered on the database.

Read the full report for January to June 2020

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